Thursday, September 18, 2014

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Day 7 - Butternut Squash and Beef Skillet Meal

Pinterest Day 7
The Pinterest recipe I looked at today was Super Easy Butternut Squash with Ground Beef and Onions by Tom Denham.

Mine was more like Easier Butternut Squash with Ground Beef and chiles.

Beef and Butternut Squash

Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 6 - Homemade Lemon Jello

Pinterest Day 6
The Pinterest recipe I looked at today was Citrus and Pineapple Gummies by Arsy Vartanian

This is the ugliest jello ever made. But quite tasty.

Ugly lemon jello, already melting in the heat

DIY gelatin

I found a link for DIY GELATIN at  Yes, that's the gelatin you could use to make jello.

Originally it was for pork bones, but I used it for ox tail and it worked GREAT.  I'd check out the link above to see what they have to say about gelatin, as it's interesting, but let me tell you the basics here.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Ingredient of the Day - Citric Acid

The Ingredient:

"Citric acid occurs naturally in such fruits as limes, pineapples and gooseberries. The dry, powdered citric acid used as an industrial food additive since the early 19th century... has a less appetizing source; it is manufactured using a mould that feeds on corn syrup glucose."
source: The Globe and

This is almost without fail GMO corn syrup glucose, for those who care about this.  There are enough corn protein molecules remaining to make some sensitive corn allergic folks react to citric acid.

What foods you may find it in:
This is being used more and more by today's chefs to 'heighten flavors and bring balance to a dish,' so you'll likely come across it in restaurants. Also often used as an ingredient in many processed foods, like sauces, salad dressings, popsicles, frozen vegetables, chips, medications (like children's liquid tylenol). Even some of our unprocessed foods are now utilizing citric acid because it can help inhibit microbial growth, so it's used on things like those little white packets that come in the styrofoam trays holding raw meat.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 5 - Guacamole Stuffed Burger

Pinterest Day 5
The Pinterest recipe I looked at today is Stuffed Bacon Guacamole Burger by Meatified

Thankfully, the burger wasn't as pink as it looks